Saturday, 25 June 2016


What is Museum ? The word museum comes from the Greek word mouseion. In ancient Greece the mousein was the temple of the Muses, the goddesses of arts and sciences Museum is an institution  where artistic and education materials are exhibited to the public, The materials available for observation and study are called a collection. A collection may include scientific specimens, works of art and exhibits and information on history or tech nology.
     Kinds of Museums. There are five main kinds of museums.
1.       Art Museums. Art museums preserve and exhibit paintings, sculpture and other works of art. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in Newyork  city and the National Gallery in London are Art Museums. The Famous Louvre Museum displays Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and the Greck stature Venus de Milo.
2.       History Museums. History museums illustrate  the life and events of the past. Museums commemorating. Mahtama Gandhi are in New Delhi, Bombay and Ahmadabad.
3.       Applied Science Museums. These are also called science and technology museums. They help people understand the world of machines. They demonstrate scientific principles and show their application in tools, machinery and industrial processes. The museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, is good example of this kind of museum.
4.       Natural Science Museums. They exhibit displays of animals, fossils, plats, rocks. And other objects and organisms founds in nature. The Natural History Museum in London has good specimens of animals and plats.
5.       General Museums. They exhibit materials from several fields of study. The British museum in London contains displays of art , archaeology and ancient documents and manuscripts.
Other Museums. Other kinds of museums exhibit  materials only on one subject . The Rail Museum Delhi exhibits displays  on Indian Railways.
Functions of museums. Museums perform the followings functions :
1.       Acquisition Material. Every new object that a museum adds to its collection is called an acquisition. Museums acquire abject in several ways, of which field collection is one of the most useful. The scientists and technicians go outside to gather specimens and data on a particular subject which are within the scope of the museum.
2.       Recording of materials. Each acquisition is listed carefully by specialist staff. AAs soon as objects are received, the data, the source , the method of acquisition and other available information are entered  in the record register.
3.       Preservation of Materials. The primary purpose  of museums is to preserve selected object Curators know that no specimens will last forever. What museums undertake to do is to prolog the life time of the objects. Preservation in a museums consist of two stapes. Specimens must be put into a condition that checks detritions. The specimens must protected.
4.        Research. One important use of museum is to extract as much knowledge as possible from the specimens. Many museums publish scholarly journals, series of papers and books to make available the results of research on their collection.
5.       Exhibition of Materials. Various members of the museum staff prepare the acquisitions for exhibition. The specimens selected for exhibition are put on view in numerous ways. The choice of approach and technique depends largely on the purpose of exhibit.
6.       Education. A number of universities conduct some courses in certain subjects at museums in order to take advantage of the collection. Thus museums help in spreading education.

The Role of Zoological Parks in Wildlife Conservation

The Role of Zoological Parks in Wildlife Conservation
        Fauna and flora of this were abundant until about a century ago and the man felt little necessity to artificial collection of wild animals and plants. There was harmonious equilibrium between natural vegetation and wildlife. Keeping of some animals in captivity dates back to Mughal era or even before when private individuals and sportsmen maintained some species like Cheetah and some birds of prey for their assistance in hunting or as a symbol of social status. The regular zoo movement in India, began in the year 1855 when the first zoo was set up in Chennai.
      In the zoological parks animals enjoy protection, fine sun-shine, fresh air and above all ample open space to play about. They have now become repertories of threatened wildlife and a store house of the knowledge on animals behaviour, their breeding habits, etc.
    Up to the middle of 20th century, zoo animals were exhibited in cages. Today the tendency is to provide the animals in captivity with something akin to their natural habitat. Gone are the days when wild animals lived in cages like convicts in prison. Now the wild animals in zoo rather resemble estate owners. Far from desiring to escape and regain freedom, they tend to defend the space they inhabit and to keep it safe from intrusion. Zoological park is the Place where they are assured of food, medical care and treatment and where they also feel safe from their natural enemies.
        In early stages, the zoological parks, were considered as places of relaxation and enjoyment for public. Of late, however, there has been a change in the objective and purposefulness of these parks. The establishment of zoological parks helps in providing knowledge about different native and exotic wild mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and flora to the public in general and school children in particular. Since the key to wildlife conservation lies in the education of masses and involvement of voluntary organizations, zoological parks are very useful in spreading knowledge on the wildlife wealth of the country. These are also important centers   for organizing seminars, training and research on the management of wildlife species and for study of their social behaviour, breeding and ecological aspects.
           Zoological  parks all over the world have been involved in the rescue of many species threatened with extinction. Some individuals of certain species, which have vanished from their natural homes are still surviving in the parks. Our country has made good progress in the rehabilitation of some endangered species. The crocodile Rehabilitation Project being run by the FAO on the request of Government of India has done commendable work to rehabilitate crocodiles. Similarly the Himalayan Musk deer at Kufri and extraction of musk has also been achieved. For Brow-Antlered  Deer efforts are being to establish a second sanctuary for releasing deer bred in captivity into the wild. Attempts have also been made for preserving other species like Blackbuk, Sambar and Spotted Deer. Similar projects for pheasants and partridges are under way. Conservation efforts have been made over the world by breeding mammals and birds in parks and releasing them in free state as in case of the Great Indian Bustard, Houbara, Bustard, Hawaiian Goose, European Bison, etc. Thus zoological parks have eventually succeeded in savings quite a few species and rehabilitating a few in the wild which otherwise would have been extinct by now. The zoological parks therefore, are playing an important role in wildlife conservation.  

Maintenance of Zoological Park

Maintenance of Zoological Park
Once the park is established its bringing up and maintenance is as difficult as its setting up. The trouble start when the animals start arriving. Proper arrangements must be made in advance to proper the animals properly in their enclosures. Satisfactory arrangement for the procurement of feed and fodder for the animals must also be made in advance.
Veterinary and Health Care. Adequate up and maintenance is as difficult as its setting regular check up pathological investigations are absolutely necessary to be made for the health, care and upkeep of the animals. Animals should be regularly vaccinated. For proper veterinary care, case history files and history sheets of all animals should be maintained. The veterinary doctor should be stationed at site along with necessary staff.
      Successful growth of a zoological park can be estimated from the lower rate of mortality of animals every year, good breeding results and good health of the animals. It is essential to ensure proper sanitation  and upkeep of animals houses, cages, toilets and other public placed
Monotony Another problem is monotony of the animals. Animals specially those caught from the wild tend to become bored. Monotony arises when companion of an animals dies or due to the lack of variety in the enclosure, improper male females ratio,  or improper food. All these can be rectified by thoughtful panning
Landscaping Works. The lawns, parks and grassy patches must be trimmed and mowed regularly. Trees, shrubs etc. must be tended. The annual and seasonal flowers should be grown in abundance to splash colour in the park and give feeling of gaiety and festivity,
Hoardings and Sign Park on Roads. To give proper direction and indication to the visitors and tourists, and tourists, sing posts of the zoological park should be put up on important points and road junctions. Big hoardings not only attract visitors but also provide proper directions to the park. They also give some indications of the kind of animals in the park.
Literature on Park Animals. For the purpose of education, posters, brochures on park charts , magazines and articles on wildlife and plants should be brought out for free distribution to the public for information and dissemination of knowledge on wildlife of the park,

Important Zoological Parks of India
1.       Indira Gandhi Zoological Park, Visakhapatanam, Andhra Pradesh.
2.       Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
3.       Sri Venkateswara Zoological Park, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.
4.       National Zoological Park, Mathura Road, Delhi.
5.       Kamala Nehru Zoological Garden, Kankaria, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
6.       Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Garden, Mysore, Karnataka.
7.       NandanKanan Zoological Park, Bhubaneshwae, Orissa.
8.       Mahendra Chaudhury Zoological Park, Chhatbir, Punjab.
9.       Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Vandalur, Outskirts of Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
10.   Kurumbapatti Zoological Park, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
11.   Kanpur Zoological Park, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
12.   Prince of Wales Zoological Gardens, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
13.   Zoological Garden, Alipore, Lolkata.
14.   Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park, Darjelling, West Bengal.
15.   Zoological Park, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
16.   Gandhi Zoological Park, Gwaliar, Madhya Pradesh.
17.   Manipur Zoological Garden, Iroisemba. Imphal. Manipur.

Establishment and Maintenance of Zoological Parks

Establishment  and Maintenance of Zoological Parks
  Establishing a zoological park is a tedious and an expensive job. Equally difficult is its maintenance. Lot of experience, Knowledge and efforts are required to be put in.
Establishment of Zoological Park 
   It is essential to provide proper habitat and environment to the animals which should be as near to their natural habitat as possible for their healthy growth. The other thing which zoological park managers are concerned with is that the animals should be exhibited in near natural conditions. For this purpose the moated enclosures are preferred where animals and the visitors have no visual barrier in between.
Selection of Site. While selecting the site, it is very important to see that not only adequate area is taken for the present requirements but some area is reserved for future expansion also. It is essential that the site selected is close to the city and near a main road so that it is well within the reach of a common man and can be conveniently approached by bus or other means of transportation. It should also be kept in mind that the site is well wooded and well drained so that healthy habitat and environment can be provided to the animals.
  Layout. The layout and designing requires services of trained and experienced foresters and wildlife experts. An architect should be essentially associated with park for designing and translating deferent ideas and preparing detailed drawings for the same. The layout should be done on phylogenetic basis. A large guide map should be laid out near the entrance of the park.
 Animals for the Park. The most important component of a zoological park is the initial stock of animals. Before even the park is conceived, arrangement to procure animals or at least the commitment of various zoological parks and agencies who may have agreed to supply the animals should be obtained so that park does not starve  of animals.
Public Amenities. For visitors there should be adequate transport arrangements to and from the park ad well as in its interior. Special arrangements should be made for the handicapped persons and children. Canteens kiosks and restaurants should be laid out at convenient places to provide  refreshment on reasonable rates. In addition well maintained parks, lawns and toilets should be provided. A children park would be an added attraction. All the roads and parks should be adequately indicated by direction boards. A proper car park must be laid out. All closed days should be prominently written on hoardings..
Personnel Management. Since the park staff had to stay at site, their convenience and requirements must be taken care of. Schooling and health facilities should be easily available. Apart from this, incentives in kind and cash  other prerequisites like free housing, electricity, water etc.  should be provided to keep them satisfied in their job. A proper and imaginative promotion policy should be devised. Therefore, a human relations approach should be followed in management. It must be ensured that the staff posted is willing completely devoted and dedicated. Frequent transfers of the staff should be avoided to prevent dislocation and deterioration in the quality of work.